Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 8/1/22

Year: 2022

Fruit Science, including all the practical and theoretical aspects of fruit growing and viticulture, is an open access publication and a peer-reviewed biannual journal aimed to publish significant research and original papers, critical reviews.  

Fruit Science publishes original scientific papers and limited numbers of critical reviews on fruit growing and viticulture and it includes topics as fruit growing and viticulture as fruit growing and breeding, post harvest technologies, plant protection, soil science and plant nutrition, organic agriculture, agriculture economy, food science and technology, genetic resources, agricultural machinery, agricultural biotechnology, agricultural constructions and irrigation.


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Manuscripts should be prepared on A4-size paper in 12 point, Times New Roman font, double line spaced, leaving 3 cm blank spaces on all four margins of each page.

Each page of the manuscript and each line on page should be numbered.

Authors’ names should be written in clear , and titles should not be written

Manuscript submitted to the journal should consist of two main parts: the cover page and the manuscript.

1. Cover page: Should contain the title, names of the author(s) and addresses and type of manuscript (original study or review), the area the manuscript belongs to within the scope of the journal. The cover page should contain the corresponding author’s name and full contact details.

2. Manuscript: The manuscript should not be longer than 16 pages, double line spaced, including the "References “section (excluding any figures and tables), and must have the following sections:

Manuscript title

Must be short and inclusive, not to exceed fifteen words, and the first letter of the words to be written in uppercase and rest in lowercase letters, in bold.

Abstract and keywords: The abstract should not exceed 180 words, and it should summarize the objective of the study, the methods employed and the results. A maximum of five keywords, directly related to the subject matter and not employed in the title, should be recorded directly below the abstract.

Titles within the manuscript: Except for the "References" all the main and sub-titles should be numbered. The first letters of the first words in the main and first sub titles should be written in capital letters. All titles should be written in bold.

Introduction: In this section, the subject of the study should be summarized, previous studies directly related to the study should be evaluated with the current knowledge of the subject, and the issues associated with production of the information needed are highlighted. Finally, the objective of the study should be clearly and explicitly stated.

Material and methods: In this section, all the materials employed in the study, the methods used, criteria evaluated, sampling methods applied, experimental design with statistical analysis and the confidence limits should be clearly explained.

Results: In this section the findings of the study should be presented clearly and explicitly with the help of figures, tables, and statistical analysis. Duplication of data presented in the Figures and Tables should be avoided, and the most appropriate tool should be employed.

Discussion and Conclusion: The findings of the study should be discussed with the results of previous studies, in terms of their similarity and contrast, and information gap filled by the study should be emphasized. Finally, conclusions and recommendations should be given. The manuscript layout of this section can be entitled "Results and Discussion" and / or "Conclusions" depending on author(s) preference.

For the reviews, the author(s) can make appropriate title arrangements.

Acknowledgement: People who contribute to the manuscript and/or the study and the funding agency (project numbers, if any) must be specified.

Figures and tables

In submitted manuscripts all photographs, graphics, figures, diagrams and the like must be named as "Figure", and lists of numerical values as "Table".

All figures and tables should be numbered and placed at the end of the manuscript.

The font of the letters within Figures and Tables used should be no larger than 8 points.

Figure and table widths should be 8 cm or 17 cm and, if necessary, dimensions of up to 17x23 cm.

Figures should have high resolution, minimum 300 dpi in jpg format.

For publication the figures can be colored or grayscale.

The images should be informative in explaining the results.

The authors must check the printing quality of the figures and should use high quality figures suitable for printing.

Use of vertical lines in the tables is unacceptable ; statistical significance should be stated using P values as much as possible, or using the "*" symbols for which description should be given.

Small case lettering should be used for statistical grouping, and the statistical comparison method and significance level specified.

Table and figure captions and descriptions should be short, concise, and descriptive. Abbreviations should be explained immediately if used within the Figures and tables. Those images composed of pieces should be grouped and converted into high-quality TIF format.


For manuscripts SI (International System of Units) unit system is used. In units, "/" should not be used and there should be a space between the units (for example: 5.6 kg ha-1, instead of 5.6 kg/ha; 18.9 g cm-3, instead of 18.9 g/cm3; 1.8 mmol s-1 m-2, instead of 1.8 mmol/s/m2).

Abbreviations and symbols

Abbreviations should not be used in the manuscript title or in the subtitles. The necessary abbreviations at their first mention should be given in parentheses. Universal rules must be followed in the use of abbreviations and symbols.

Latin names and chemicals

The authority should be given when the Latin names are first used in the abstract and the text. For example: "Lupinus varius (L.) is ...", "L. varius ... grown in the... " Latin names should be written in italics. The trade mark of chemicals used in the studies should not be given unless it is absolutely necessary to do so.


In manuscripts, formulas should be called "Equation"and numbered as necessary, the numbers next to the formulas leaning right shown in brackets and the equations should be fitted in a single line (double-column, 8 cm), if possible. The author (s) is/are encouraged to visit the web site to see the latest issue of the journal.


In the text, "the author's surname and the year" method should be used for identification of references. A reference identified by means of an author’s surname should be followed by the date of the reference in parentheses. For identification of references provided by two authors, “and” should be used between the surnames of authors. When there are more than two authors, only the first author’s surname should be mentioned, followed by ‘et al.’. In the event that an author cited has had two or more works published in the same year, the reference, both in the text and in the reference list, should be identified by a lower case letter like ‘a’ and ‘b’ after the date to distinguish between the works. When more than one reference is given at the end of a sentence, the references should be chronologically ordered, those of same date in alphabetical order. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order in the References section. The original language of reference should be employed and journal’s name should not be abbreviated. Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references they provide.


Burton (1947); (Sayan and Karaguzel, 2010), Keeve et al., (2000), (Van Harten, 2002), (Karaguzel and Altan, 1995), (Burton, 1947; Keeve et al., 2000; Yilmaz, 2004a,b; Karaguzel, 2005, 2006; Gulsen et al., 2010; Sayan and Karaguzel, 2010).


Taiz L, Zeiger E, 2002. Plant Physiology. 3rd Edition, Sinauer Associates, Massachusetts.

Jaeger JC, Cook NGW, 1979. Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics. Chapman and Hall, 593pp, London.

Book Chapter

Küçükyumuk C, 2011. Elma Kültürü. (Ed: Akgül H, Kaçal E, Öztürk FP, Özongun Ş, Atasay A, Öztürk G), Sulama. Adım Ofset, Konya, 243-274.

Tsaftaris A, Kapazoglou A, Darzentas N, 2012. Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture. In: Altman A, Hasegawa PM (Eds), From Epigenetics to Epigenomics and Their Implications in Plant Breeding. Academic Press is an Imprint of Elsevier, USA, 207-226.


Atay E, Pırlak L, Atay AN, 2010. Determination of Fruit Growth in Some Apple Varieties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16 (1): 1-8.

Mukherjee P, Husain N, Misra SC, Rao VS, 2010. In Vitro Propagation of a Grape Rootstock, DeGrasset (Vitis champinii Planch.): Effects of Medium Compositions and Plant Growth Regulators. Scientia Horticulturae 126:13-19.

Article in press (The article must be accepted by the Journal)

Wójcik P, Gubbuk H, Akgül H, Günes E, Uçgun K, Koçal H, Küçükyumuk C, 2010. Effect of Autumn Calcium Spray at a High Rate on 'Granny Smith' Apple Quality and Storability. Journal of Plant Nutrition, In Press.

Onursal CE, Çalhan Ö, Eren İ, Çetinbaş M, Butar S, Demirtaş İ, 2013. Derim Öncesi Aminoetoksi-vinilglisin (AVG) Uygulamalarının 0900 Ziraat Kiraz Çeşidinin Soğukta Muhafazası ve Raf Ömrü Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. TABAD, Basımda.


Babalık Z, 2012. Tuz ve Su Stresinin Asmaların Bazı Fiziksel ve Biyokimyasal Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 249s, Isparta.

Cohen SD, 2009. Investigating the Effects of Temperature on Secondary Metabolism in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot Berries. Oregon State University, PhD Thesis, 160pp, Corvallis, USA.

Full-text and abstract congress/symposium book

Eren İ, Karamürsel ÖF, Pektaş M, Karamürsel D, Çalhan Ö, 2008. Eşme Ayva Çeşidinde 1-1-MCP Kullanımı. Bahçe Ürünlerinde IV. Muhafaza ve Pazarlama Sempozyumu, 08-11 Ekim 2008, 93-98, Antalya..

Tezcan L, Gunay G, 1997. Hydrogeology of the Kirkgozler Springs. International Conference on Water Problems, 17-21 November, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 76-84pp.


TSE 2478, 1976. Odunun Statik Eğilmede Elastikiyet Modülün Tayini. TSE, I. Baskı, Ankara.

ASTM 907, 1982. Standart Definitions of Terms Relation to Adhesives. ASTM, Philadelphia.

Journal from internet

Ören T, 1998. Bilişimde Özenli Türkçe. Erişim Tarihi: 23.05.2012. http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~oren/pubs/pubs-1998/pubs-1998-03-BOT.pdf

Information from componies web pages

Benton Foundation, 1998. Barriers to Closing the Gap. In Losing Ground Bit by Bit: Low-Income Communities in the Information Age (chap. 2). Erişim Tarihi: 25.06.2008. http://www.benton.org/Library/Low-Income/two.html

Dupont CO, 2011. Erişim Tarihi: 14.02.2011. http://www.dupont.ca

DOI and received information from the internet

Gulsen O, Kaymak S, Ozongun S, Uzun A, 2010. Genetic analysis of Turkish apple germplasm using peroxidase gene-based markers. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2010.04.023.

FAO, 2010. Statistical database. http://faostat.fao.org/site/339/default.aspx. Accessed 27 July, 2010.

Fruit Science is peer-reviewed journal and published twice a year. The Journal accepts original research articles and reviews in fruit and viticulture studies as Turkish and English language. Submission of an article implies that the presented work has not been published previously and copyright of article has not been given previously. A submitted paper will be pre-reviewed by the editorial board and it should be comply with principles of Fruit Science for publishing. Before they send it to reviewers editorial board has the right to return the articles which do not comply with the principles of the Journal. All the responsibility of articles belongs to Authors that articles are ethical or not.

There is no fee during the evaluation and publication phase.